The COVID-19 Pandemic, although challenging, did not constitute an obstacle for our collaborative work. The Collaborative Group for Teacher Training in Statistical Education - MoSaiCo Edu - has been running since 2018, with participating teachers from a variety of different professional backgrounds and experiences. Through biweekly meetings, the Group promotes, among other topics, dialogue and reflection on texts, which deal with Statistical Education, the official documents Base Nacional Comum Curricular - BNCC (BRASIL, 2018) and Documento Orientador Curricular do Território Rio-grandino – DOCTRG (SANTOS, 2019), which guide pedagogy in Basic Education. It was during these theoretical and practical reflections, the decision was taken to develop the statistical education through Statistical Learning Projects – SLP, an interdisciplinary approach, in two Brazilian elementary schools, in Rio Grande city, Rio Grande do Sul state. The SLPs are based on investigative processes, where statistical knowledge is integrated into a broader process of investigation. In this proposal, students develop a research question based on their interests and concerns, a strategy that also involves the construction of a data collection instrument, production, analysis, and presentation of the results, by means of graphs, tables and descriptive measures.